Teeth Whitening

big smile and healthy teeth

How a Healthier, Whiter, and Happier Smile Can Better Your Life

Everyone wants a great smile but not everyone wants to put in the work to achieve a great smile. It doesn’t have to be difficult, and can…  read more →

Concerns About Charcoal Teeth Whitening

There are many different teeth whitening methods to choose from. Light activated, whitening strips and even home remedies just to name a few.…  read more →

A Closer Look at GLO Science Pro Teeth Whitening

There are many methods to go about whitening your teeth. Professional whitening methods, like GLO Science Pro, can give you much longer-lasting,…  read more →

Coconut Oil Pulling for Whiter, Healthier Teeth?

Coconut Oil Pulling for Whiter, Healthier Teeth?

Coconut oil pulling is the unique oral procedure where one rinses his/her mouth with coconut oil for 10 to 20 minutes. It is believed that coconut oil…  read more →

Light Activated Teeth Whitening

What You Need to Know about Light Activated Teeth Whitening

No matter how well you care for your teeth, certain lifestyle choices such as regularly drinking coffee and tea as well as genetic factors can have an…  read more →


